Northern Shores Realty
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*A REALTOR® is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® (“NAR”). NAR is the exclusive owner of the REALTOR®, REALTORS®, REALTOR® Block "R" Logo, and other REALTOR® trademarks. The term REALTOR® should never be used as a substitute for "real estate agent." The REALTOR® marks let people know that a real estate agent adheres to a strict Code of Ethics that protects clients, the public, and other real estate agents. The term REALTOR® is not only a trademark owned by NAR and protected by federal law, it is a valuable membership benefit that distinguishes members from other real estate licensees. Real-Estate DB USA has no relationship or association with NAR. NAR trademarks must not be used by real estate agents listed within this directory unless properly authorised to do so by NAR. We will use our best endeavours to police this policy. If an unauthorised, or improper use is detected, please use the ‘Report an Error’ feature to notify us.
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